// vim:expandtab:autoindent:tabstop=4:shiftwidth=4:filetype=txt: /*! \page getSystemId Documentation for getSystemId executable \section NAME NAME getSystemId \section SYNOPSIS SYNOPSIS The getSystemId executable is used to pull commonly-used system information from a system and display it in an easily-readable and parseable format. it displays Dell system ID, service tag, product name, BIOS version, and system vendor.
    $ ./getSystemId
    Libsmbios:    0.10.4_beta2
    System ID:    0x016C
    Error getting the Service Tag : String does not exist.
    Product Name: PowerEdge 1850
    BIOS Version: P19
    Vendor:       Dell Computer Corporation
    Is Dell:      1
\section DESCRIPTION \section RETURN VALUE \section ERRORS \section RESTRICTIONS \section SEE ALSO */