platform :ios, '9.0' # Ignore warnings from cocoapods inhibit_all_warnings! def omm_pods pod 'OpenSSL-Universal', '' pod 'FMDB/SQLCipher', '2.6' pod 'GBPing', '1.4.0' end target 'Dell OMM' do omm_pods end target 'Dell OMMTests' do omm_pods end target 'Dell OMM OEM' do omm_pods end # This post install script copies the Acknowledgements into the Dell OMM bundle, for use with viewing open source licenses. post_install do | installer | require 'fileutils' FileUtils.cp_r('Pods/Target Support Files/Pods-Dell OMM/Pods-Dell OMM-Acknowledgements.plist','Dell OMM/Acknowledgements.plist',:remove_destination => true) end