/* liblouis Braille Translation and Back-Translation Library Copyright (C) 2015 Bert Frees This file is part of liblouis. liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with liblouis. If not, see . */ /** * @file * @brief Find translation tables */ #include #include #ifdef _MSC_VER #include #else #include #endif #include #include "internal.h" #include "config.h" /* =============================== LIST =================================== */ typedef struct List { void *head; void (*free)(void *); struct List *tail; } List; /** * Returns a list with the element `x' added to `list'. Returns a sorted list * if `cmp' is not NULL and if `list' is also sorted. New elements replace * existing ones if they are equal according to `cmp'. If `cmp' is NULL, * elements are simply prepended to the list. The function `dup' is used to * duplicate elements before they are added to the list. The `free' function * is used to free elements when they are removed from the list. The returned * list must be freed by the caller. */ static List * list_conj(List *list, void *x, int (*cmp)(void *, void *), void *(*dup)(void *), void (*free)(void *)) { if (!list) { list = malloc(sizeof(List)); list->head = dup ? dup(x) : x; list->free = free; list->tail = NULL; return list; } else if (!cmp) { List *l = malloc(sizeof(List)); l->head = dup ? dup(x) : x; l->free = free; l->tail = list; return l; } else { List *l1 = list; List *l2 = NULL; while (l1) { int c = cmp(l1->head, x); if (c > 0) break; else if (c < 0) { l2 = l1; l1 = l2->tail; } else { if (x != l1->head && !dup && free) free(x); return list; } } List *l3 = malloc(sizeof(List)); l3->head = dup ? dup(x) : x; l3->free = free; l3->tail = l1; if (!l2) list = l3; else l2->tail = l3; return list; } } /** * Free an instance of type List. */ static void list_free(List *list) { if (list) { if (list->free) list->free(list->head); list_free(list->tail); free(list); } } /** * Sort a list based on a comparison function. */ static List * list_sort(List *list, int (*cmp)(void *, void *)) { List *newList = NULL; List *l; for (l = list; l; l = l->tail) { newList = list_conj(newList, l->head, cmp, NULL, l->free); l->free = NULL; } list_free(list); return newList; } /** * Get the size of a list. */ static int list_size(List *list) { int len = 0; List *l; for (l = list; l; l = l->tail) len++; return len; } /** * Convert a list into a NULL terminated array. */ static void ** list_toArray(List *list, void *(*dup)(void *)) { void **array; List *l; int i; array = malloc((1 + list_size(list)) * sizeof(void *)); i = 0; for (l = list; l; l = l->tail) array[i++] = dup ? dup(l->head) : l->head; array[i] = NULL; return array; } /* ============================== FEATURE ================================= */ typedef struct { char *key; char *val; } Feature; typedef struct { Feature feature; int importance; } FeatureWithImportance; typedef struct { char *name; List *features; } TableMeta; /** * Create an instance of type Feature. * The `key' and `val' strings are duplicated. Leaving out the `val' * argument results in a value of "yes". */ static Feature feature_new(const char *key, const char *val) { static const char *YES = "yes"; Feature f; f.key = strdup(key); f.val = strdup(val ? val : YES); return f; } /** * Free an instance of type Feature */ static void feature_free(Feature *f) { if (f) { free(f->key); free(f->val); free(f); } } /* ======================================================================== */ /** * Sort features based on their keys. */ static int cmpKeys(Feature *f1, Feature *f2) { return strcasecmp(f1->key, f2->key); } /** * Compute the match quotient of the features in a query against the features in a table's * metadata. * * The features are assumed to be sorted and to have no duplicate * keys. The query's features must be of type FeatureWithImportance. * How a feature contributes to the match quotient depends on its * importance, on whether the feature is undefined, defined with the * same value (positive match), or defined with a different value * (negative match), and on the `fuzzy' argument. If the `fuzzy' * argument evaluates to true, negative matches and undefined features * get a lower penalty. */ static int matchFeatureLists(const List *query, const List *tableFeatures, int fuzzy) { static const int POS_MATCH = 10; static const int NEG_MATCH = -100; static const int UNDEFINED = -20; static const int EXTRA = -1; static const int POS_MATCH_FUZZY = 10; static const int NEG_MATCH_FUZZY = -25; static const int UNDEFINED_FUZZY = -5; static const int EXTRA_FUZZY = -1; int posMatch, negMatch, undefined, extra; if (!fuzzy) { posMatch = POS_MATCH; negMatch = NEG_MATCH; undefined = UNDEFINED; extra = EXTRA; } else { posMatch = POS_MATCH_FUZZY; negMatch = NEG_MATCH_FUZZY; undefined = UNDEFINED_FUZZY; extra = EXTRA_FUZZY; } int quotient = 0; const List *l1 = query; const List *l2 = tableFeatures; while (1) { if (!l1) { if (!l2) break; quotient += extra; l2 = l2->tail; } else if (!l2) { quotient += undefined; l1 = l1->tail; } else { int cmp = cmpKeys(l1->head, l2->head); if (cmp < 0) { quotient += undefined; l1 = l1->tail; } else if (cmp > 0) { quotient += extra; l2 = l2->tail; } else { if (strcasecmp(((Feature *)l1->head)->val, ((Feature *)l2->head)->val) == 0) quotient += posMatch; else quotient += negMatch; l1 = l1->tail; l2 = l2->tail; } } } return quotient; } /** * Return true if a character matches [0-9A-Za-z_-\.] */ static int isValidChar(char c) { return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || c == '-' || c == '.' || c == '_'; } /** * Return true if a character matches [\s\t] */ static int isSpace(char c) { return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; } /** * Parse a table query into a list of features. Features defined first get a * higher importance. */ static List * parseQuery(const char *query) { List *features = NULL; const char *key = NULL; const char *val = NULL; size_t keySize = 0; size_t valSize = 0; const char *c; int pos = 0; while (1) { c = &query[pos++]; if (isSpace(*c) || (*c == '\n') | (*c == '\0')) { if (key) { char *k = malloc(keySize + 1); k[keySize] = '\0'; memcpy(k, key, keySize); char *v = NULL; if (val) { v = malloc(valSize + 1); v[valSize] = '\0'; memcpy(v, val, valSize); } FeatureWithImportance f = { feature_new(k, v), 0 }; _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_DEBUG, "Query has feature '%s:%s'", f.feature.key, f.feature.val); features = list_conj(features, memcpy(malloc(sizeof(f)), &f, sizeof(f)), NULL, NULL, (void (*)(void *))feature_free); free(k); free(v); key = val = NULL; keySize = valSize = 0; } if (*c == '\0') break; } else if (*c == ':') { if (!key || val) goto compile_error; else { c = &query[pos++]; if (isValidChar(*c)) { val = c; valSize = 1; } else goto compile_error; } } else if (isValidChar(*c)) { if (val) valSize++; else if (key) keySize++; else { key = c; keySize = 1; } } else goto compile_error; } { int k = 1; List *l; for (l = features; l; l = l->tail) { FeatureWithImportance *f = l->head; f->importance = k++; } } return list_sort(features, (int (*)(void *, void *))cmpKeys); compile_error: _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected character '%c' at position %d", c, pos); list_free(features); return NULL; } /** * Convert a widechar string to a normal string. */ static char * widestrToStr(const widechar *str, size_t n) { char *result = malloc((1 + n) * sizeof(char)); size_t k; for (k = 0; k < n; k++) result[k] = (char)str[k]; result[k] = '\0'; return result; } /** * Extract a list of features from a table. */ static List * analyzeTable(const char *table, int activeOnly) { static char fileName[MAXSTRING]; List *features = NULL; FileInfo info; { char **resolved = _lou_resolveTable(table, NULL); if (resolved == NULL) { _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot resolve table '%s'", table); return NULL; } sprintf(fileName, "%s", *resolved); int k = 0; for (k = 0; resolved[k]; k += 1) free(resolved[k]); free(resolved); if (k > 1) { _lou_logMessage( LOU_LOG_ERROR, "Table '%s' resolves to more than one file", table); return NULL; } } info.fileName = fileName; info.encoding = noEncoding; info.status = 0; info.lineNumber = 0; if ((info.in = fopen(info.fileName, "rb"))) { while (_lou_getALine(&info)) { if (info.linelen == 0) ; else if (info.line[0] == '#') { if (info.linelen >= 2 && (info.line[1] == '+' || (!activeOnly && info.line[1] == '-' && !(info.linelen > 2 && info.line[2] == '-')))) { int active = (info.line[1] == '+'); widechar *key = NULL; widechar *val = NULL; size_t keySize = 0; size_t valSize = 0; info.linepos = 2; if (info.linepos < info.linelen && isValidChar((char)info.line[info.linepos])) { key = &info.line[info.linepos]; keySize = 1; info.linepos++; while (info.linepos < info.linelen && isValidChar((char)info.line[info.linepos])) { keySize++; info.linepos++; } if (info.linepos < info.linelen && info.line[info.linepos] == ':') { info.linepos++; while (info.linepos < info.linelen && isSpace((char)info.line[info.linepos])) info.linepos++; if (info.linepos < info.linelen && (!active || isValidChar((char)info.line[info.linepos]))) { val = &info.line[info.linepos]; valSize = 1; info.linepos++; while (info.linepos < info.linelen && (!active || isValidChar( (char)info.line[info.linepos]))) { valSize++; info.linepos++; } } else goto compile_error; } if (info.linepos == info.linelen) { char *k = widestrToStr(key, keySize); char *v = val ? widestrToStr(val, valSize) : NULL; if (!active) { if (!v) goto compile_error; // normalize space int i = 0; int j = 0; int space = 1; while (v[i]) { if (isSpace(v[i])) { if (!space) { v[j++] = ' '; space = 1; } } else { v[j++] = v[i]; space = 0; } i++; } if (j > 0 && v[j - 1] == ' ') j--; v[j] = '\0'; } Feature f = feature_new(k, v); _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_DEBUG, "Table has feature '%s:%s'", f.key, f.val); features = list_conj(features, memcpy(malloc(sizeof(f)), &f, sizeof(f)), NULL, NULL, (void (*)(void *))feature_free); free(k); free(v); } else goto compile_error; } else goto compile_error; } } else break; } fclose(info.in); } else _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_ERROR, "Cannot open table '%s'", info.fileName); return list_sort(features, (int (*)(void *, void *))cmpKeys); compile_error: if (info.linepos < info.linelen) _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected character '%c' on line %d, column %d", info.line[info.linepos], info.lineNumber, info.linepos); else _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_ERROR, "Unexpected newline on line %d", info.lineNumber); list_free(features); return NULL; } static List *tableIndex = NULL; void EXPORT_CALL lou_indexTables(const char **tables) { const char **table; list_free(tableIndex); tableIndex = NULL; for (table = tables; *table; table++) { _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_DEBUG, "Analyzing table %s", *table); List *features = analyzeTable(*table, 1); if (features) { TableMeta m = { strdup(*table), features }; tableIndex = list_conj(tableIndex, memcpy(malloc(sizeof(m)), &m, sizeof(m)), NULL, NULL, free); } } if (!tableIndex) _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_WARN, "No tables were indexed"); } /** * Returns the list of files found in a single directory. */ #ifdef _MSC_VER static List * listDir(List *list, char *dirName) { static char glob[MAXSTRING]; static char fileName[MAXSTRING]; WIN32_FIND_DATAA ffd; HANDLE hFind; sprintf(glob, "%s%c%c", dirName, DIR_SEP, '*'); hFind = FindFirstFileA(glob, &ffd); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_WARN, "%s is not a directory", dirName); } else { do { if (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { sprintf(fileName, "%s%c%s", dirName, DIR_SEP, ffd.cFileName); list = list_conj(list, strdup(fileName), NULL, NULL, free); } } while (FindNextFileA(hFind, &ffd)); FindClose(hFind); } return list; } #else /* !_MSC_VER */ static List * listDir(List *list, char *dirName) { static char fileName[MAXSTRING]; struct stat info; DIR *dir; struct dirent *file; if ((dir = opendir(dirName))) { while ((file = readdir(dir))) { sprintf(fileName, "%s%c%s", dirName, DIR_SEP, file->d_name); if (stat(fileName, &info) == 0 && !(info.st_mode & S_IFDIR)) { list = list_conj(list, strdup(fileName), NULL, NULL, free); } } closedir(dir); } else { _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_WARN, "%s is not a directory", dirName); } return list; } #endif /* !_MSC_VER */ /** * Returns the list of files found on searchPath, where searchPath is a * comma-separated list of directories. */ static List * listFiles(char *searchPath) { List *list = NULL; char *dirName; int pos = 0; int n; while (1) { for (n = 0; searchPath[pos + n] != '\0' && searchPath[pos + n] != ','; n++) ; dirName = malloc(n + 1); dirName[n] = '\0'; memcpy(dirName, &searchPath[pos], n); list = listDir(list, dirName); free(dirName); pos += n; if (searchPath[pos] == '\0') break; else pos++; } return list; } static void indexTablePath(void) { char *searchPath; List *tables; void *tablesArray; _lou_logMessage( LOU_LOG_WARN, "Tables have not been indexed yet. Indexing LOUIS_TABLEPATH."); searchPath = _lou_getTablePath(); tables = listFiles(searchPath); tablesArray = list_toArray(tables, NULL); lou_indexTables(tablesArray); free(searchPath); list_free(tables); free(tablesArray); } char *EXPORT_CALL lou_findTable(const char *query) { if (!tableIndex) indexTablePath(); List *queryFeatures = parseQuery(query); int bestQuotient = 0; char *bestMatch = NULL; List *l; for (l = tableIndex; l; l = l->tail) { TableMeta *table = l->head; int q = matchFeatureLists(queryFeatures, table->features, 0); if (q > bestQuotient) { bestQuotient = q; if (bestMatch) free(bestMatch); bestMatch = strdup(table->name); } } list_free(queryFeatures); if (bestMatch) { _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_INFO, "Best match: %s (%d)", bestMatch, bestQuotient); return bestMatch; } else { _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_INFO, "No table could be found for query '%s'", query); return NULL; } } typedef struct { char *name; int matchQuotient; } TableMatch; static int cmpMatches(TableMatch *m1, TableMatch *m2) { if (m1->matchQuotient > m2->matchQuotient) return -1; else return 1; } char **EXPORT_CALL lou_findTables(const char *query) { char **tablesArray; List *matches = NULL; if (!tableIndex) indexTablePath(); List *queryFeatures = parseQuery(query); List *l; for (l = tableIndex; l; l = l->tail) { TableMeta *table = l->head; int quotient = matchFeatureLists(queryFeatures, table->features, 0); if (quotient > 0) { TableMatch m = { strdup(table->name), quotient }; matches = list_conj(matches, memcpy(malloc(sizeof(m)), &m, sizeof(m)), (int (*)(void *, void *))cmpMatches, NULL, free); } } list_free(queryFeatures); if (matches) { _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_INFO, "%d matches found", list_size(matches)); int i = 0; tablesArray = malloc((1 + list_size(matches)) * sizeof(void *)); for (; matches; matches = matches->tail) tablesArray[i++] = ((TableMatch *)matches->head)->name; tablesArray[i] = NULL; list_free(matches); return tablesArray; } else { _lou_logMessage(LOU_LOG_INFO, "No table could be found for query '%s'", query); return NULL; } } char *EXPORT_CALL lou_getTableInfo(const char *table, const char *key) { char *value = NULL; List *features = analyzeTable(table, 0); List *l; for (l = features; l; l = l->tail) { Feature *f = l->head; if (strcasecmp(f->key, key) == 0) { value = strdup(f->val); list_free(features); break; } } return value; } char **EXPORT_CALL lou_listTables(void) { void *tablesArray; List *tables = NULL; List *l; if (!tableIndex) indexTablePath(); for (l = tableIndex; l; l = l->tail) { TableMeta *table = l->head; tables = list_conj( tables, strdup(table->name), (int (*)(void *, void *))strcmp, NULL, NULL); } tablesArray = list_toArray(tables, NULL); list_free(tables); return tablesArray; }