# liblouis: Hungarian Grade 2 table # # ----------- #-index-name: Hungarian, contracted #-display-name: Hungarian contracted braille # #+locale:hu #+type:literary #+contraction:full #+grade:2 # # TODO: Please correct the metadata above. It is not meant to be # accurate nor complete. It hasn't been verified by the table # author yet. It is merely an attempt by the liblouis maintainers # to get some sensible initial values in place. # # TODO: Please add a reference to official documentation about # the implemented braille code. Preferably submit the documents # to https://github.com/liblouis/braille-specs. # ----------- # # Copyright (C) 2017 Attila Hammer from IT Foundation for the Visually Impaired - Hungary. www.infoalap.hu # # This file is part of liblouis. # # liblouis is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2.1 of the # License, or (at your option) any later version. # # liblouis is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with liblouis. If not, see # . # # Maintained by Attila Hammer hammer.attila@infoalap.hu # # If you found bugs with hungarian grade1 table, report it with following address: # Attila Hammer 46-2 #Other exceptions With need marking different dot combination noback always Q 12346 noback always Z 126 noback always # 123456 always $ 5-145 always % 3456-245-356 always ~ 5-2345 always < 5-13 always > 46-2 always / 5-2 noback always | 45 always { 5-2346 always } 5-1356 always [ 46-2346 always ] 46-1356 always \\ 16 noback always ^ 2346 noback always ` 4 noback always Æ 1 always lyú 456-346 always lysz 456-156 #define context rules related need classes class orszag O class nevelo A class oneromannumber I class fiveromannumber V class tenromannumber X class fiftyromannumber L class hundredromannumber C class nagysz S #handle extra special abbreviation rules with context opcodes #not always need abbreviate the ország word, for example person and continent names. The next rule handle this situation noback context $U["rszág"]$s$U$a @1235-156-4-1245 #general, need abbreviate the "volt" word, but this word some time meaning hungarian language the electric measurement. #following context rules handles this extra situation noback context [%nevelo$s"Volt"]$s"egy"$s @2-1236-135-123-2345 noback context ["volt"]$s"körül" @1236-135-123-2345 noback context ["egyenlő\shány\svolt"] @15-1456-15-1345-123-12456-0-125-4-1246-0-1236-135-123-2345 noback context $l["ány\svolt\sáram"] @4-1246-0-1236-135-123-2345-0-4-1235-1-134 #some context rules with the "az" and "a" verbs related noback context ["az\sokoz"] @1-126-0-135-13-135-126 noback context ["az\saz\s"] @1-126-0-3 General, if a text part have the "az" word, need joining the second word before a dot3 cell dot. But, if a text part have the az word two times, the first az word not need abbreviate with dot2 and joining the second az word, the first az word need presenting with following dots: 1-126-0. An example: az az igazság noback context ["az\sa\s"] @1-126-0-2 noback context [%nevelo"z\sa\s"] @1-126-0-2 noback context ["az\s"]"is"$p @1-126-0 noback context ["az\s"]"is\s" @1-126-0 noback context [%nevelo"z\sis\s"] @1-126-0-24-0 noback context [%nevelo"z\s"]"is"$p @1-126-0 noback context ["a\s"]"és" @1-0 noback context ["az\segyelőre"] @1-126-0-15-1456-15-123-12456-1235-15 noback context ["az\sugyanis"] @1-126-0-136-1456-1-1345-24-234 noback context ["az\sadja"] @1-126-0-1-145-245-1 noback context ["az\sadta"] @1-126-0-1-145-2345-1 noback context ["az\ssem"]$s @1-126-0-234-15-134 noback context ["az\ssem"]$p @1-126-0-234-15-134 noback context ["az\saz\ssem"]$p @1-126-0-1-126-0-234-15-134 noback context ["az\slenne"] @1-126-0-123-15-1345-1345-15 noback context ["az\slesz"] @1-126-0-123 noback context ["az\sleszel"] @1-126-0-123-15-156-15-123 noback context ["az\sleszek"] @1-126-0-123-15-156-15-13 noback context ["az\s"]"volt" @1-126-0 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"az"$s @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"okoz" @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"egyelőre" @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"ugyanis" @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"adja" @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"adta" @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"lenne" @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"sem" @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"lesz"$s @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"lesz" @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"lesz"$p @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"volt" @1-126 noback context [%nevelo"z"]$s"volt"$p @1-126 noback context ["az\salábbi"] @1-126-0-1-123-4-12-12-24 noback context [%nevelo"z\salábbi"] @1-126-0-1-123-4-12-12-24 #general, after comma character need joining the next text part with after the comma character, but need some context rules to this braille standard works gracefully noback context [",\saz\sa\s"] @2-1-126-0-2 noback context [",\saz\saz\s"] @2-1-126-0-3 noback context [",\s"] @2 noback context [",\n"] @2 noback context [",\n\r"] @2 noback context $a["\na\s"] @0-2 #handle roman numbers related special rules noback context [%oneromannumber]"." @46-24 noback context $U[%oneromannumber]"." @24 noback context [%fiveromannumber]"." @46-1236 noback context $U[%fiveromannumber]"." @1236 noback context [%tenromannumber]"." @46-1346 noback context $U[%tenromannumber]"." @1346 noback context [%fiftyromannumber]"." @46-123 noback context $U[%fiftyromannumber]"." @123 noback context [%hundredromannumber]"." @46-14 noback context $U[%hundredromannumber]"." @14 #some country names related context rules noback context $U"io"$s["de"]$s$U"anerio" @145-15 noback context $U"io"$s["de"]$s$U"aneiro" @145-15 #General, need abbreviate end of llal suffix part, but the vállal word have some exceptions, depending the text context. #Following context rules gracefully handle this different situations noback context ["vállal"]$s"ige\s" @1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context "ciát"$s["vállal"] @1236-4-123-123-1-123 For example the "garanciát vállal" context not need abbreviate the end of llal suffix noback context "séget"$s["vállal"] @1236-4-123-123-1-123 For example felelősséget vállal context not need abbreviate the end of llal word suffix noback context ["kockázatot\svállal"] @13-135-14-13-4-126-1-2345-135-2345-0-1236-4-123-123-1-123 This text part doesn't need abbreviate the llal suffix with end of vállal word, and the kockázatot text part need presenting with contracted word noback context ["vállal"]$s"el" @1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context ["vállal"]$s"felelősséget" @1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context $l["em\svállal"] @0-1236-4-123-123-1-123 The "Nem vállal" and "nem vállal" text parts doesn't need abbreviate the end of llal suffix, only the nem and Nem word part noback context $l["észt\svállal"] @16-156-2345-0-1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context "ligha"$s["vállal"] @1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context ["vállal"]$s"állás" @1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context ["vállal"]$s"munkát" @1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context ["vállal"]$s$s"fogcsonk" @1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context ["vállal"]$s"fogcsonk" @1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context ["vállal"]$s"kezes" @1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context ["vállal"]$s"magára" @1236-4-123-123-1-123 always átvállal 4-2345-1236-4-123-123-1-123 always bevállal 12-15-1236-4-123-123-1-123 always elvállal 15-123-1236-4-123-123-1-123 noback context ["\f,"] @2 noback context $l["+"]$s$l @0-1234-123-136-156 If a word ends with a + simbol and follow up a next word after a space character, need replacing the + punctuation character with the "plusz" text #names related context rules, when not need abbreviate a general abbreviated word part noback context $U["oldog"]$s$U$a @135-123-145-135-1245 For example Boldog Gizella name not need abbreviate the boldog word part with 12-1245 dots noback context $U["oldog"]$l1-30$s$U$a @135-123-145-135-1245 For example Boldogfalvi Tamás name not need abbreviate the boldog word part with 12-1245 dots noback context $U$l1-30$s["de"]$s$U$a @145-15 General, need abbrewiate the de word with 1545 dots, but hungarian literary texts some spanish or portuguese names need replacing the abbreviated de word with normal 145-15 dots. For example: Rio de Janeiro, noback context $U["ond"]$l1-30$s$U$a @135-1345-145 General need abbreviate the gond word part with 1245-145 dots, but in names, this is not need. For example: Gonda János, Gondos Réka. noback context [%nagysz"zabad"]$s$U$a @156-1-12-1-145 noback context [%nagysz"zabad"]$l1-30$s$U$a @156-1-12-1-145 always ponta-kormá 1234-135-1345-2345-1-36-13-135-1235-134-4 noback context [", "] @2 noback context $U["emmel"]$s$U$a @15-134-134-15-123 For example Temmel Anikó, Temmel Márta names not need apply the suffix abbreviation noback context $U["an"]$s$U"ogh" @1-1345 #Some pass2 step related rules noback pass2 @135-1235-156-4-1245-1456 @135-1245-1456 noback pass2 @1234-16-1345-126 @1234-126 noback pass2 @13-15-1235-15-234-16-234-234-15-123 @13-234-16-234-1236 noback pass2 @13-15-1235-15-234-16-234 @13-234-16-234 noback pass2 @12345-156-156-15-13 @12345-15-13 noback pass2 @124-135-1235-1235-4-234 @1235-1235-4-234 noback pass2 @145-16-123-136-2345-4-1345 @145-16-123-136 noback pass2 @1236-24-123-4-1245 @1236-1245 space \xe000 46a noback pass2 @1236-1-13-135-13$s$s.@1236-24-123-4-1245 @1236-1-13-135-13-0-1236-24-123-4-1245 always ä 5-1 noback context $l$p["–"] @36-36 noback context $l["–"] @36-36 noback always \\_ 6 letter sign before Roman page numbers noback pass2 @3456-356 @356-3456 undefined 26