/* liblouis Braille Translation and Back-Translation Library Based on the Linux screenreader BRLTTY, copyright (C) 1999-2006 by The BRLTTY Team Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 ViewPlus Technologies, Inc. www.viewplus.com and JJB Software, Inc. www.jjb-software.com This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "liblouis.h" #include "internal.h" #include #include "progname.h" #include "unistr.h" #include "version-etc.h" static const struct option longopts[] = { { "help", no_argument, NULL, 'h' }, { "version", no_argument, NULL, 'v' }, { NULL, 0, NULL, 0 }, }; const char version_etc_copyright[] = "Copyright %s %d ViewPlus Technologies, Inc. and JJB Software, Inc."; #define AUTHORS "John J. Boyer" static void print_help(void) { printf("\ Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", program_name); fputs("\ This program tests every capability of the liblouis library. It is\n\ completely interactive. \n\n", stdout); fputs("\ -h, --help display this help and exit\n\ -v, --version display version information and exit\n", stdout); printf("\n"); printf("Report bugs to %s.\n", PACKAGE_BUGREPORT); #ifdef PACKAGE_PACKAGER_BUG_REPORTS printf("Report %s bugs to: %s\n", PACKAGE_PACKAGER, PACKAGE_PACKAGER_BUG_REPORTS); #endif #ifdef PACKAGE_URL printf("%s home page: <%s>\n", PACKAGE_NAME, PACKAGE_URL); #endif } #define BUFSIZE 256 static char inputBuffer[BUFSIZE]; static const void *validTable = NULL; static int forwardOnly = 0; static int backOnly = 0; static int showPositions = 0; static int minimalist = 0; static int outputSize = BUFSIZE; static int showSizes = 0; static int enteredCursorPos = -1; static unsigned int mode; static char table[BUFSIZE]; static formtype emphasis[BUFSIZE]; static char spacing[BUFSIZE]; static char enteredEmphasis[BUFSIZE]; static char enteredSpacing[BUFSIZE]; static int getInput(void) { int inputLength; inputBuffer[0] = 0; if (!fgets(inputBuffer, sizeof(inputBuffer), stdin)) exit(EXIT_FAILURE); inputLength = strlen(inputBuffer) - 1; if (inputLength < 0) /* EOF on script */ { lou_free(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); } inputBuffer[inputLength] = 0; return inputLength; } static int getYN(void) { printf("? y/n: "); getInput(); if (inputBuffer[0] == 'y') return 1; return 0; } static void paramLetters(void) { printf("Press one of the letters in parentheses, then enter.\n"); printf("(t)able, (r)un, (m)ode, (c)ursor, (e)mphasis, (s)pacing, (h)elp,\n"); printf("(q)uit, (f)orward-only, (b)ack-only, show-(p)ositions m(i)nimal.\n"); printf("test-(l)engths.\n"); } static int getCommands(void) { paramLetters(); do { printf("Command: "); getInput(); switch (inputBuffer[0]) { case 0: break; case 't': do { printf("Enter the name of a table: "); getInput(); strcpy(table, inputBuffer); } while ((validTable = lou_getTable(table)) == NULL); break; case 'r': if (validTable == NULL) { printf("You must enter a valid table name.\n"); inputBuffer[0] = 0; } break; case 'm': printf("Reset mode"); if (getYN()) mode = 0; printf("No contractions"); mode |= noContractions * getYN(); printf("Computer Braille at cursor"); mode |= compbrlAtCursor * getYN(); printf("Dots input and output"); mode |= dotsIO * getYN(); printf("Computer Braille left of cursor"); mode |= compbrlLeftCursor * getYN(); printf("Unicode Braille"); mode |= ucBrl * getYN(); printf("No undefined dots"); mode |= noUndefined * getYN(); printf("Partial back-translation"); mode |= partialTrans * getYN(); break; case 'l': printf("Do you want to test input and output lengths"); showSizes = getYN(); if (!showSizes) { outputSize = BUFSIZE; break; } printf("Enter a maximum output size: "); getInput(); outputSize = atoi(inputBuffer); if (outputSize < 0 || outputSize > BUFSIZE) { printf("Output size must be from 0 tu %d.\n", BUFSIZE); outputSize = BUFSIZE; showSizes = 0; } break; case 'c': printf("Enter a cursor position: "); getInput(); enteredCursorPos = atoi(inputBuffer); if (enteredCursorPos < -1 || enteredCursorPos > outputSize) { printf("Cursor position must be from -1 to %d.\n", outputSize); enteredCursorPos = -1; } break; case 'e': printf("(Enter an x to cancel emphasis.)\n"); printf("Enter an emphasis string: "); getInput(); strcpy(enteredEmphasis, inputBuffer); break; case 's': printf("(Enter an x to cancel spacing.)\n"); printf("Enter a spacing string: "); getInput(); strcpy(enteredSpacing, inputBuffer); break; case 'h': printf("Commands: action\n"); printf("(t)able: Enter a table name\n"); printf("(r)un: run the translation/back-translation loop\n"); printf("(m)ode: Enter a mode parameter\n"); printf("(c)ursor: Enter a cursor position\n"); printf("(e)mphasis: Enter an emphasis string\n"); printf("(s)pacing: Enter a spacing string\n"); printf("(h)elp: print this page\n"); printf("(q)uit: leave the program\n"); printf("(f)orward-only: do only forward translation\n"); printf("(b)ack-only: do only back-translation\n"); printf("show-(p)ositions: show input and output positions\n"); printf("m(i)nimal: test translator and back-translator with minimal " "parameters\n"); printf("test-(l)engths: test accuracy of returned lengths\n"); printf("\n"); paramLetters(); break; case 'q': lou_free(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); case 'f': printf("Do only forward translation"); forwardOnly = getYN(); break; case 'b': printf("Do only backward translation"); backOnly = getYN(); break; case 'p': printf("Show input and output positions"); showPositions = getYN(); break; case 'i': printf("Test translation/back-translation loop with minimal parameters"); minimalist = getYN(); break; default: printf("Bad choice.\n"); break; } if (forwardOnly && backOnly) printf("You cannot specify both forward-only and backward-only " "translation.\n"); } while (inputBuffer[0] != 'r'); return 1; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { uint8_t *charbuf; size_t charlen; widechar inbuf[BUFSIZE]; widechar transbuf[BUFSIZE]; widechar outbuf[BUFSIZE]; int outputPos[BUFSIZE]; int inputPos[BUFSIZE]; int inlen; int translen; int outlen; int cursorPos = -1; int realInlen = 0; int optc; set_program_name(argv[0]); while ((optc = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hv", longopts, NULL)) != -1) { switch (optc) { /* --help and --version exit immediately, per GNU coding standards. */ case 'v': version_etc( stdout, program_name, PACKAGE_NAME, VERSION, AUTHORS, (char *)NULL); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; case 'h': print_help(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", program_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); break; } } if (optind < argc) { /* Print error message and exit. */ fprintf(stderr, "%s: extra operand: %s\n", program_name, argv[optind]); fprintf(stderr, "Try `%s --help' for more information.\n", program_name); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } validTable = NULL; enteredCursorPos = -1; mode = 0; while (1) { getCommands(); printf("Type something, press enter, and view the results.\n"); printf("A blank line returns to command entry.\n"); if (minimalist) while (1) { translen = outputSize; outlen = outputSize; inlen = getInput(); if (inlen == 0) break; if (!(realInlen = _lou_extParseChars(inputBuffer, inbuf))) break; inlen = realInlen; if (!lou_translateString( table, inbuf, &inlen, transbuf, &translen, NULL, NULL, 0)) break; transbuf[translen] = 0; printf("Translation:\n"); #ifdef WIDECHARS_ARE_UCS4 charbuf = u32_to_u8(transbuf, translen, NULL, &charlen); #else charbuf = u16_to_u8(transbuf, translen, NULL, &charlen); #endif printf("%.*s\n", (int)charlen, charbuf); free(charbuf); if (showSizes) printf("input length = %d; output length = %d\n", inlen, translen); lou_backTranslateString( table, transbuf, &translen, outbuf, &outlen, NULL, NULL, 0); printf("Back-translation:\n"); #ifdef WIDECHARS_ARE_UCS4 charbuf = u32_to_u8(outbuf, outlen, NULL, &charlen); #else charbuf = u16_to_u8(outbuf, outlen, NULL, &charlen); #endif printf("%.*s\n", (int)charlen, charbuf); free(charbuf); if (showSizes) printf("input length = %d; output length = %d.\n", translen, outlen); if (outlen == realInlen) { int k; for (k = 0; k < realInlen; k++) if (inbuf[k] != outbuf[k]) break; if (k == realInlen) printf("Perfect roundtrip!\n"); } } else while (1) { memset(emphasis, 0, sizeof(formtype) * BUFSIZE); { size_t k = 0; for (k = 0; k < strlen(enteredEmphasis); k++) emphasis[k] = (formtype)enteredEmphasis[k] - '0'; emphasis[k] = 0; } strcpy(spacing, enteredSpacing); cursorPos = enteredCursorPos; inlen = getInput(); if (inlen == 0) break; outlen = outputSize; if (backOnly) { if (!(translen = _lou_extParseChars(inputBuffer, transbuf))) break; inlen = realInlen; } else { translen = outputSize; if (!(realInlen = _lou_extParseChars(inputBuffer, inbuf))) break; inlen = realInlen; if (!lou_translate(table, inbuf, &inlen, transbuf, &translen, emphasis, spacing, &outputPos[0], &inputPos[0], &cursorPos, mode)) break; transbuf[translen] = 0; if (mode & dotsIO) { printf("Translation dot patterns:\n"); printf("%s\n", _lou_showDots(transbuf, translen)); } else { printf("Translation:\n"); #ifdef WIDECHARS_ARE_UCS4 charbuf = u32_to_u8(transbuf, translen, NULL, &charlen); #else charbuf = u16_to_u8(transbuf, translen, NULL, &charlen); #endif printf("%.*s\n", (int)charlen, charbuf); free(charbuf); if (showSizes) printf("input length = %d; output length = %d\n", inlen, translen); } } if (cursorPos != -1) printf("Cursor position: %d\n", cursorPos); if (enteredSpacing[0]) printf("Returned spacing: %s\n", spacing); if (showPositions) { printf("Output positions:\n"); for (int k = 0; k < inlen; k++) printf("%d ", outputPos[k]); printf("\n"); printf("Input positions:\n"); for (int k = 0; k < translen; k++) printf("%d ", inputPos[k]); printf("\n"); } if (!forwardOnly) { if (!lou_backTranslate(table, transbuf, &translen, outbuf, &outlen, emphasis, spacing, &outputPos[0], &inputPos[0], &cursorPos, mode)) break; printf("Back-translation:\n"); #ifdef WIDECHARS_ARE_UCS4 charbuf = u32_to_u8(outbuf, outlen, NULL, &charlen); #else charbuf = u16_to_u8(outbuf, outlen, NULL, &charlen); #endif printf("%.*s\n", (int)charlen, charbuf); free(charbuf); if (showSizes) printf("input length = %d; output length = %d\n", translen, outlen); if (cursorPos != -1) printf("Cursor position: %d\n", cursorPos); if (enteredSpacing[0]) printf("Returned spacing: %s\n", spacing); if (showPositions) { printf("Output positions:\n"); for (int k = 0; k < translen; k++) printf("%d ", outputPos[k]); printf("\n"); printf("Input positions:\n"); for (int k = 0; k < outlen; k++) printf("%d ", inputPos[k]); printf("\n"); } } if (!(forwardOnly || backOnly)) { if (outlen == realInlen) { int k; for (k = 0; k < realInlen; k++) if (inbuf[k] != outbuf[k]) break; if (k == realInlen) printf("Perfect roundtrip!\n"); } } } } lou_free(); exit(EXIT_SUCCESS); }