/* * This file is part of Wireless Display Software for Linux OS * * Copyright (C) 2014 Intel Corporation. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA */ #include #include #include "mirac-broker.hpp" #include "mirac-glib-logging.hpp" struct TimerCallbackData { TimerCallbackData(MiracBroker* delegate) : delegate_(delegate), timer_id_(0) {} MiracBroker* delegate_; uint timer_id_; }; /* static C callback wrapper */ gboolean MiracBroker::send_cb (gint fd, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data_ptr) { auto broker = static_cast (data_ptr); return (*broker)->send_cb(fd, condition); } /* static C callback wrapper */ gboolean MiracBroker::receive_cb (gint fd, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data_ptr) { auto broker = static_cast (data_ptr); return (*broker)->receive_cb(fd, condition); } /* static C callback wrapper */ gboolean MiracBroker::listen_cb (gint fd, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data_ptr) { auto broker = static_cast (data_ptr); return (*broker)->listen_cb(fd, condition); } /* static C callback wrapper */ gboolean MiracBroker::connect_cb (gint fd, GIOCondition condition, gpointer data_ptr) { auto broker = static_cast (data_ptr); return (*broker)->connect_cb(fd, condition); } /* static C callback wrapper */ gboolean MiracBroker::try_connect (gpointer data_ptr) { auto broker = static_cast (data_ptr); broker->try_connect(); return false; } gboolean MiracBroker::send_cb (gint fd, GIOCondition condition) { try { if (!connection_->Send()) return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } catch (const MiracConnectionLostException &exception) { on_connection_failure(CONNECTION_LOST); } catch (const std::exception &x) { WDS_WARNING("exception: %s", x.what()); } return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } gboolean MiracBroker::receive_cb (gint fd, GIOCondition condition) { std::string msg; try { if (connection_->Receive(msg)) { WDS_VLOG("Received RTSP message:\n%s", msg.c_str()); got_message (msg); } } catch (const MiracConnectionLostException &exception) { on_connection_failure(CONNECTION_LOST); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } gboolean MiracBroker::listen_cb (gint fd, GIOCondition condition) { try { connection(network_->Accept()); WDS_LOG("connection from: %s", connection_->GetPeerAddress().c_str()); on_connected(); } catch (const std::exception &x) { WDS_WARNING("exception: %s", x.what()); } return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; } gboolean MiracBroker::connect_cb (gint fd, GIOCondition condition) { try { if (!network_->Connect(NULL, NULL)) return G_SOURCE_CONTINUE; WDS_LOG("connection success to: %s", network_->GetPeerAddress().c_str()); connection(network_.release()); /* make sure any network event sources are removed */ network(NULL); on_connected(); } catch (const std::exception &x) { gdouble elapsed = 1000 * g_timer_elapsed(connect_timer_, NULL); if (elapsed + connect_wait_ > connect_timeout_) { on_connection_failure(CONNECTION_TIMEOUT); } else { connect_wait_id_ = g_timeout_add (connect_wait_, try_connect, this); } } return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } void MiracBroker::network(MiracNetwork *connection) { while (g_source_remove_by_user_data(&network_source_ptr_)) ; network_.reset(connection); } void MiracBroker::connection(MiracNetwork *connection) { while (g_source_remove_by_user_data(&connection_source_ptr_)) ; connection_.reset(connection); if (connection_) g_unix_fd_add(connection_->GetHandle(), G_IO_IN, receive_cb, &connection_source_ptr_); } void MiracBroker::try_connect() { WDS_LOG("Trying to connect..."); connect_wait_id_ = 0; network(new MiracNetwork()); if (network_->Connect(peer_address_.c_str(), peer_port_.c_str())) { g_unix_fd_add(network_->GetHandle(), G_IO_OUT, MiracBroker::send_cb, &network_source_ptr_); } else { g_unix_fd_add(network_->GetHandle(), G_IO_OUT, MiracBroker::connect_cb, &network_source_ptr_); } } unsigned short MiracBroker::get_host_port() const { return network_->GetHostPort(); } std::string MiracBroker::get_peer_address() const { return connection_->GetPeerAddress(); } MiracBroker::MiracBroker (const std::string& listen_port): connect_timer_(NULL) { network_source_ptr_ = this; connection_source_ptr_ = this; network(new MiracNetwork()); network_->Bind(NULL, listen_port.c_str()); g_unix_fd_add(network_->GetHandle(), G_IO_IN, MiracBroker::listen_cb, &network_source_ptr_); } MiracBroker::MiracBroker(const std::string& peer_address, const std::string& peer_port, uint timeout): peer_address_(peer_address), peer_port_(peer_port), connect_timeout_(timeout) { network_source_ptr_ = this; connection_source_ptr_ = this; connect_timer_ = g_timer_new(); try_connect(); } MiracBroker::~MiracBroker () { network(NULL); connection(NULL); if (connect_timer_) { g_timer_destroy(connect_timer_); connect_timer_ = NULL; } if (connect_wait_id_ > 0) { g_source_remove(connect_wait_id_); connect_wait_id_ = 0; } while (!timers_.empty()) g_source_remove(timers_.front()); } void MiracBroker::SendRTSPData(const std::string& data) { WDS_VLOG("Sending RTSP message:\n%s", data.c_str()); if (connection_ && !connection_->Send(data)) g_unix_fd_add(connection_->GetHandle(), G_IO_OUT, send_cb, &connection_source_ptr_); } std::string MiracBroker::GetLocalIPAddress() const { return ""; // FIXME : return the actual local IP address. } void MiracBroker::on_timeout_remove(gpointer user_data) { TimerCallbackData* data = static_cast(user_data); auto& timers = data->delegate_->timers_; auto it = std::find(timers.begin(), timers.end(), data->timer_id_); if (it != timers.end()) timers.erase(it); delete data; } static gboolean on_timeout(gpointer user_data) { TimerCallbackData* data = static_cast(user_data); data->delegate_->OnTimeout(data->timer_id_); return FALSE; } void MiracBroker::OnTimeout(uint timer_id) { Peer()->OnTimerEvent(timer_id); } uint MiracBroker::CreateTimer(int seconds) { TimerCallbackData* data = new TimerCallbackData(this); uint timer_id = g_timeout_add_seconds_full( G_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, seconds, on_timeout, data, on_timeout_remove); if (timer_id > 0) { data->timer_id_ = timer_id; timers_.push_back(timer_id); } else { delete data; } return timer_id; } void MiracBroker::ReleaseTimer(uint timer_id) { if (timer_id > 0) { auto it = std::find(timers_.begin(), timers_.end(), timer_id); if (it != timers_.end() ) g_source_remove(*it); } } int MiracBroker::GetNextCSeq(int* initial_peer_cseq) const { static int send_cseq_; ++send_cseq_; if (initial_peer_cseq && send_cseq_ == *initial_peer_cseq) send_cseq_ *= 2; return send_cseq_; }