bluez 1) download source tree of anroid gingerbread from Google. 2) build android by . build/ choosecombo (all default option, Product choices are: 2. generic) make -j4 3) replace external/bluez, and 'export BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH=true' 4) mmm external/bluetooth/glib mmm external/bluetooth/bluez ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- e2fsprogs 1) download source tree of anroid gingerbread from Google. 2) build android by . build/ choosecombo (all default option, Product choices are: 2. generic) make -j4 3) replace external/e2fsprogs 4) mmm external/e2fsprogs ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- webkit 1) download source tree of anroid gingerbread from Google. 2) build android by . build/ choosecombo (all default option, Product choices are: 2. generic) make -j4 3) replace external/webkit 4) mmm external/webkit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wpa_supplicant 1) download source tree of anroid gingerbread from Google. 2) build android by . build/ choosecombo (all default option, Product choices are: 2. generic) make -j4 3) replace external/wpa_supplicant_6 4) mmm external/wpa_supplicant_6/wpa_supplicant ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- kernel 1) download source tree of android gingerbread from Google. (Android 2.3.5R1) 2) get source of "device" and "vendor" folder for msm8660 from Qualcomm. (M8660AAABQNLYA3134) 3) edit android/device/qcom/common/ before: ----------- include build/core/ after: ----------- # include build/core/ 4) edit android/build/core/ before: ----------- $(error user tag detected on new module - user tags are only supported on legacy modules) after: ----------- # $(error user tag detected on new module - user tags are only supported on legacy modules) 5) edit android/device/qcom/msm8660_surf/ before: ----------- TARGET_NO_BOOTLOADER := false BOARD_KERNEL_BASE := 0x40200000 BOARD_BOOTIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 0x00A00000 BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 0x00A00000 BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 157286400 BOARD_USERDATAIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 1073741824 after: ----------- TARGET_NO_BOOTLOADER := true BOARD_KERNEL_BASE := 0x20000000 BOARD_BOOTIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 0x00500000 BOARD_RECOVERYIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 0x00600000 BOARD_SYSTEMIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 0x10400000 BOARD_USERDATAIMAGE_PARTITION_SIZE := 0x08C00000 6) replace kernel 7) build kernel by . build/ choosecombo Build for the simulator or the device? 1. Device 2. Simulator Which would you like? [1] 1 Build type choices are: 1. release 2. debug Which would you like? [1] 1 Which product would you like? [generic] msm8660_surf Variant choices are: 1. user 2. userdebug 3. eng Which would you like? [eng] 3 8) make -j4 bootimage -------------------------------------------------------------------------------